What’s included in the Email Deliverability Improvement Service?

Enhance Email Deliverability with DKIM, Spoofing, and DMARC Authentication

As businesses expand their online presence, email has become one of the most effective communication channels. However, email fraud is on the rise and businesses are at an increased risk of having their brand identity exploited by cybercriminals. To safeguard your business from such threats, Rewire India offers the “DKIM, Spoofing and DMARC Authentication” service.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)

DKIM is an industry-standard email authentication method that verifies the sender’s domain name and ensures that the content has not been modified in transit. By implementing DKIM, you can be confident that your emails are legitimate and sent from a trusted source.

Spoofing Prevention

Spoofing is a technique used by cybercriminals to imitate a trusted sender’s email address to deceive recipients into sharing confidential information or downloading malware. Our team implements measures to prevent email spoofing, protecting your brand identity and reputation.

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC)

DMARC is an advanced email authentication protocol that uses SPF and DKIM to detect and prevent email spoofing. It provides a comprehensive reporting mechanism that allows you to monitor your email traffic and identify potential issues before they become major problems.

By implementing these three authentication methods, you can significantly enhance your email deliverability rates while reducing the risk of your domain being misused by hackers. At Rewire India, we take pride in providing our clients with robust solutions to protect their business interests.

Contact us today to learn more about how our “DKIM, Spoofing and DMARC Authentication” service can help secure your emails!